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Week 2: Baked Alaska Cupcakes (Alaska)

It's week two, and I'm baking these delicious baked Alaska cupcakes. They are so beautiful and a great way to take classic cupcakes to the next level.


I got lots of votes for baked Alaska, so I knew I had to make it! If you would like to vote for next week, you can do it here. Even though baked Alaska is not from Alaska, the dessert was named after the state. I actually made baked Alaska for my 150th day, so I baked these adorable cupcakes. I really like the cupcakes because you have a small individual baked Alaska.

The baked Alaska cupcakes consist of a chocolate cupcake base, a scoop of ice cream, and a meringue frosting that's either blow torched or broiled. If you don't want chocolate cupcakes as your base, you can use your favorite flavor. This goes the same with ice cream. Keep in mind that the ice cream and cupcake base should taste good together. I used a brownie cupcake base and creamy dulce de leche ice cream on top. YUM!

Chilling the cupcakes before you add frosting is incredibly important. Otherwise, your ice cream will melt when broiled/blow torched.

I hope you will enjoy baking these baked Alaska cupcakes as much as I do! See you all next week!


|Level:👩🏽‍🍳👩🏽‍🍳|Time: 15 hours|Serves: 10|



  • 10 cupcakes

  • 10 scoops of ice cream

  • 3 egg whites

  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar


  1. Place a scoop of ice cream on top of your cupcakes. Chill in the freezer overnight.

  2. The next day, heat a pot over medium heat. Fill the pot 1/4 of the way full with water and place a heat-safe bowl over the top. This will be your double boiler. Lower the heat so it's at low, and mix the granulated sugar and egg whites until your candy thermometer reaches 160 degrees F. There should be no sugar granules left. Take the bowl off the heat and into a clean stand mixer. Whip the egg whites and sugar until stiff peaks form. Fill the frosting into a piping bag, and pipe swirls on top of your cupcake. Chill for 1 hour or until the ice cream is completely frozen.

  3. Broil/blow torch until golden brown, and chill for 30 minutes. Serve!


- The Bored Baker 👩🏽‍🍳


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